Sent my kid to school a little late,
waited for him to finish his homework and then we left for school.
Arrived at the main gate.
Ticer S was there.
I heard Ticer F yelling at the kids,
"kamu nak masuk concert ke tak nak ni? kalau tak nak saya keluarkan nama kamu.
rasheed cakapla cakap cakap"
What the hell was that
the school was extremely silent. soundless.
No one is saying anything.
tcer S bring my child in.
It was emotionally damaging for me.
for the children obviously.
I wanted to stay and listen.
I hesitated to go home.
Should I listen to the tcer or leave the school?
I drove back feeling hopeless that I had not supported the children.
Left my child and his friends with deep regret in my heart.
Allah is with you. I prayed a lot in my heart.
On the way home, almost had an accident with my neighbour
as she was about to get out of the parking lot
It was unacceptable
tcer why you did this to the helpless children
no one is there to support them
my dear children you only have Allah with you
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